The Citizen e-edition


1. You are not alone

30% of children go through a fussy eating phase. Remind yourself of this every time dinner erupts into a full-on food fight. This is a phase and like teething and colic, it too will pass, be patient.

2. Try not be frustrated

Most children will eat when they are hungry. While feeding your offspring might seem the most natural and basic duty of a parent, it can be a battle. However emotional you feel about your child’s eating habits, keep it to yourself, as they will only play up if they feel they are getting attention.

3. Set an example

Mealtimes are important for a family as a focus for communication and bonding. Aim to have everyone eating the same thing in the same sitting. Children mimic their parents, so try to eat all the vegetables you’d like to see them eating.

4. Have a routine

Schedule three meals and a few small snacks throughout the day and stick to it like clockwork. Allocate 30 minutes for meals and then lift the plate whether it’s finished or not, without making a fuss. Making them sit staring at a cold plate creates negative associations and ultimately adds to your own frustration.

5. Don’t let them fill up on liquids

Overdrinking is one of the main causes of fussy eating. The tiny stomach of a child is easily filled up with fluid reducing their appetite for food.

6. Keep trying

As we are hardwired to fear new foods, similarly we favour sweet foods over bitter ones as our instinct tells us the latter might be bad or even deadly. Children like foods that are most familiar to them. If at first you don’t succeed, you may need to try 1014 times before they will actually taste it.

7. Hide the goodness

Hide your healthy foods in clever ways so that children get used to eating these foods unknowingly. This will train their taste buds without them even knowing about it.

8. Start small

Avoid offering large portions of food. Aim for small portions, which enable them to ask for more, the holy grail for the parent with a fussy eater. Limit their choices. A huge array of food on a plate will only put them off.

9. Make it fun

Encourage your kids in the preparation of food and make it fun. Dinosaur pasta and fairy mash sounds much better than boring bolognese and potatoes. Be adept at sneaking vegetables in, concealed in pasta tubes, grated, diced or pureed.

10.Beware the bribe

If you offer an alternative of chips, biscuits or lollies, then they are sure to perform at the next mealtime knowing you will cave in. Praise a clean plate and avoid confrontation if they have only picked at the food.

Megaw says that many parents feel isolated and alone in these struggles, which is unnecessary.

“Ultimately, if your child is displaying worrying symptoms like behavioural issues, fatigue, digestive problems or weight loss, seek advice from your paediatrician, GP or paediatric dietitian.”





The Citizen